Fat loss is tough. Here are 3 proven ways to lose fat!
1) Fasting
There are a number of protocols you can use when it comes to fasting. My favourite method is the 16-hour fast and 8-hour feed. I start my feed after my workout around 12pm. I have a protein shake with added banana and 2 servings of Sport Collagen along with 1 capsule of RIPPED FREAK 2.0. I do 2 weeks of intermittent fasting following by 2 weeks off and repeat. This has worked best for me over the years.
2) Volume Training
Volume training is very effective for increasing muscle and decreasing body fat. I consider anything 5-10 sets as a volume style workout. My FREAKMODE trainer is a complete guide to the methods I’ve used over the years with success.
RIPPED FREAK 2.0 is powered by the patented and clinically proven Sinetrol complex from Mediterranean citrus polyphenols. Tried and tested with a number of human clinical trials showing its effectiveness on weight loss, fat loss and on reducing waist and hip measurements.