3rd Party Tested
Formulating Since 2009
Clinically Researched & Patented Ingredients

How The Process Works
1.Raw material received
2.Quality Department Protocols
a. Material pulled in isolated quality room to prevent cross contamination within facility
b. Individual ingredients are tested at raw material stage for microbiological contaminants (E. Coli, Salmonella, etc.)
c. Ingredients are tested in NIR (Near infrared spectrometer) for identification, if failed, product is sent for 3rd party testing to validate. If material fails it is rejected and sent back to supplier to be replaced. This process is a way to ensure only the purest ingredients are used.
d. Organoleptic testing - Does ingredient match established colour, odour etc.
3. If all ingredients pass testing they are released to be used in production.
4. Ingredients are individually dispensed and weighed out in preparation of blending.
5. All ingredients in premeasured amounts are blended.
6. Quality takes a sample and does an organoleptic test verses the product standard to ensure taste, colour, aroma are all within specification of the approved standard / previous lots. At this stage the blend is sent for additional testing when applicable this includes testing such as quantification, heavy metals, solvent residue, pesticides.
7. If all testing comes back within specification, blend is released for packaging.
8. Product is bottled, labelled and sealed.
9. Finished product is again sent for micro testing to ensure no bacteria contamination happened at any stage of production. At this stage additional testing is also often completed depending on the prod- uct and if it has been requested or is applicable (allergen testing, banned substance free testing etc.)